To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Thursday, April 25, 2024


Will Big Tobacco’s Former Bag-Man Really Be Next Speaker?


BY JOE CONASON With their loud voices and antic style, the “tea party” activists may lead voters to expect something new and different if the Republican Party returns to power. But observing the man who would wield that power if his party wins a midterm majority should swiftly dispel that illusion. There is nothing fresh […]

Democrats Need To Turn Off Fox News


BY FROMA HARROP During the 2000 presidential campaign, Democrat Al Gore became captive of the right-wing noise machine. The activists and their media had gone honking nuts over President Clinton’s sexual indiscretion. Vice President Gore thought these people mattered and so distanced his campaign from a popular Democratic president. Never mind that 23 million jobs […]

Exporting Jobs, Importing Workers


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Maybe you’re one of the thousands of young lawyers in America working in some low-skill, part-time job because law firms have cut so many of the starting positions you were educated to take. If so, I have good news: Jobs for young lawyers are now mushrooming in companies that provide legal services […]

The Difference Between Boys And Girls


BY SUSAN ESTRICH When I was in seventh grade, I was the only girl on the junior high math team. I wasn’t the best, and I wasn’t the worst. But the experience of standing out in such an obvious way – the loneliness, the geekiness, the sitting alone on the bus, all of it combined […]

‘Art’ Fights Nature In Colorado


BY FROMA HARROP Colorado’s Arkansas River is a masterpiece. Crafted by the Creator, it is a natural work of art that needs no improvement. That a ludicrous proposal to cover 42 miles of it with 120-foot-wide fabric has gotten as far as it has speaks to the marketing genius of showman-artist “Christo.” Bulgarian-born Christo Javacheff […]