To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable
Hightower’s Holiday Gifts
BY JIM HIGHTOWER In keeping with the Biblical adage that it’s better to give than to receive, I came up with a delightful sleighful of holiday goodies this year to dispense to some of our nation’s most special people. It was not easy to shop for these folks. I mean, what do you get for […]
The Christmas Spirit
BY SUSAN ESTRICH In the eight years since he left the White House, Bill Clinton has worked tirelessly to save the lives of children in some of the most miserable places on the planet. He has traveled to Africa more than most of us travel to see relatives, in order to bring much-needed medicines for […]
The Other Marriage Penalty
BY SUSAN ESTRICH Energy czar-designate Carol Browner’s husband does it. So does Health and Human Services Secretary-designate Tom Daschle’s wife. Congressman John Dingell’s wife has been doing it for years. Should they all be forced to stop and go home and bake some of those chocolate-chip cookies, the very mention of which got […]
Should She Be Senator Kennedy?
BY JOE CONASON Caroline Kennedy made her political debut in Manhattan almost exactly 10 years ago, when she showed up as the surprise speaker at a “teach-in” against the impeachment of Bill Clinton at New York University Law School. Her speech on that occasion was not memorable, nor did she display great passion as […]
The Affinity Con
BY FROMA HARROP Losing money doesn’t feel very good. Losing it as victim of a con feels even worse. And being conned by a trusted friend multiplies the hurt. But there’s a special department of psychic pain for having experienced all of the above while fancying oneself a savvy insider in the ways […]