To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, September 29, 2024


‘Promoting The General Welfare’

BY BOB BEARDEN Social Security and Medicare are socialistic programs that benefit our citizens as they were intended. President Trump has released his 2020 proposed budget...

The Best Government Contains Checks And Balances

BY DAVID PERRYMAN In 1907 the people of Oklahoma chose to establish a form of state government in which directors of agencies were chosen to...

Why Are You Afraid?

BY SHARON MARTIN Why do some people get downright belligerent when you mention the word socialism? They’ve been programed to get mad about it. They’ve been conned...

Double Standards On Racist Behavior

BY GARY EDMONDSON Childhood vacations saw us visit relatives in Jefferson and Stephens Counties. One such visit likely saved me from the stigma that has...

What Was Good For Clinton Is Good For Trump

BY JOE CONASON When the Office of Special Counsel completes its assigned tasks and sends its findings to Attorney General William Barr, Americans will expect...