To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, September 29, 2024


This Trump Scandal Is Radioactive

BY JOE CONASON Often enough, the ambitious phrase "Middle East peace plan" emanates from the Trump White House, often associated with presidential son-in-law and senior...

Training? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Training!

BY DAVID PERRYMAN The classic 1948 John Huston film Treasure of the Sierra Madre stands at No. 30 on the American Film Institute’s all-time best movie...

A Danger To Ourselves

BY GARY EDMONDSON The Republic of Kiribati, 226 square miles of Pacific islands, is buying land on Fiji to settle its 100,000 residents once rising...

‘The First Rough Draft Of History’

BY VERN TURNER The title of this piece is a quote from the late Phil Graham, the former owner and publisher of the Washington Post. He said...

Hope And Climate Change

BY MARK Y.A. DAVIES What most climate scientists and climate justice advocates don’t want to publicly admit is that the die is likely already cast...