To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Friday, October 18, 2024


Home Stretch


Kamala Harris is running against a felon, a serial liar, and a man convicted of sexual assault. They are all the same man. Why the race is close is beyond me.

Yes, I know he appeals to white nationalists and voters who don’t like immigrants. I have news for the latter group. If you aren’t a Native American, or if your ancestors weren’t bought and brought here against their will, you are most likely the offspring of immigrants.

Worried that immigrants didn’t come here legally? Perhaps Congress should pass the bipartisan border bill. We need more border patrol agents. We need the legal teams in place to vet asylum claims. We need to fix the problem instead of complaining about it.

That Joe Biden had to drop out of the race because he garbled his words, while the master garbler is still spouting bull on the national stage, also baffles me.

Now pundits are casting shade on Harris for sticking with Biden’s policies. Which policies do they dislike? Negotiating with drug companies to lower prescription prices? Bolstering American security by expanding the chip industry at home? Passing a bipartisan infrastructure bill? Setting policies in place to reduce greenhouse gasses?

If you think reducing greenhouse emissions is unimportant, perhaps you’ve been out of the country during this hurricane season.

As for the oil industry, we are drilling. We are energy independent.

This has been one of the most productive administrations in decades. Harris’ supporters know the administration in which she is still serving has delivered for the American people, and that she will continue the work for them.

Her opponent doesn’t care what happens to you. If the truth were told, he doesn’t really want to be saddled with the presidency again. It’s just another delay tactic to keep from having to face the consequences of trying to overthrow an election. He doesn’t want to be held accountable for the classified documents that he kept, not a one of them by accident. Who did he share those documents with?

He has all the worst qualities of the autocrats he envies. And they are playing him. He doesn’t care if Iran has nuclear capabilities. If he did, he wouldn’t have pulled us out of the deal that insured they were being monitored. He doesn’t care if Ukraine has to cede territory to Russia, nor does he care that if Ukraine falls, Poland will be next. If that doesn’t scare voters, what will.

Biden and Harris have done the right things. Harris has the strength and stamina to keep the progress going. She has actual policies instead of platitudes. She understands that cutting taxes at the top raises the deficit, and that eliminating the federal bureaucracy will not only lead to gridlock, but it will put the power into too few hands.

While Harris and Walz campaign, our job is to stand up to the lies, educate those who aren’t paying attention, and to remind our friends and family how important every vote is, even in a red state.