To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Thursday, March 27, 2025


DC Delegates Morph Into Penny-Pinchers – Again


Record defense spending? You bet. Trump wants a wall for no good reason? Good enough reason for us. New military commands in Space and Africa? Sign me up … unless I have to enlist. PPE for millionaires? Of course. More money for them to contribute to me, me and me.

So now comes new President Joe Biden proposing a $1.9 trillion relief plan for schools, hospitals, individuals, research, delivery systems for vaccines and other necessary programs and commodities to make COVID-19 just a nightmare from the past, not a continuing headache into the future.

And as a reminder to congressional conservatives, some dude named Trump supported a gal named Pelosi when she suggested even more spending on the pandemic problem. The big liberal from San Francisco proposed $2 trillion large and The Large Orange One said bring it on … I’ll sign it.

So it seems fiscal tightwads only populate the Republican Party when a Democrat is in the White House; otherwise, when an elephant is the occupant of DC’s most prominent address – 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue – they never met a tax dollar they didn’t want to spend.

The national debt? Right now you would think getting it under control is like the Eleventh Commandment. Thou shall not increase it when a donkey sleeps in the living quarters of you know where.

As the fight approaches to pass the Biden Plan, expect the fiscal hawks in Congress to characterize it as more dangerous, destructive and hazardous to the health of America than COVID-19 itself.

But I have a simple solution to that massive resistance.

Call it the Trump Plan.

Cal Hobson
Cal Hobson
Cal Hobson, a Lexington Democrat, served in the Oklahoma Legislature from 1978-2006, including one term as Senate President Pro Tempore.