To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, March 23, 2025


Don’t Vote For Me … If



I have decided that a life in elected office will never be my fortune. For one thing my campaign ads would be entirely negative. I would envision an ad something like this:

If you believe that the best use of your tax dollar is to support big business and large oil companies – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If your religion instructs you to believe a woman has no choice about her health and reproductive issues – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If you believe the right to vote is not a right for every citizen and that some citizens ought to be prevented from exercising that right – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If it is your conviction that public education needs to be defunded and privatized – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If you are in agreement that large for-profit prisons are good for society – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If affording the children of impoverished families a nutritional diet and adequate clothing and shelter is at the bottom of your list of priorities – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If you see no reason to address current climate change issues and agree with the science deniers – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If you cannot abide the thought that equality applies to every human being – regardless of race, gender, sexual preference or economic station – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If you are OK with spending your tax dollars to build up the military while ignoring the needs of society – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If you truly believe that corporate entities are equal to and deserve the same consideration as individual citizens – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If you view the 2nd Amendment as a sacred sacrament and see it as allowing free and unfettered gun ownership to anyone – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If you want to deny citizens – your neighbors – affordable healthcare and look upon anything but privatized corporate managed systems as evil socialized medicine – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If I gave this more thought, the list would be much larger. But you get the gist of what I am saying.

We can ill afford to pander to the purveyors of conservative – make that regressive – policy.

Upon further reflection I would continue my list of reasons to NOT VOTE for me with the following:

If it is your conviction that business owners have the right to treat their employees in ways that reflect their personal religious biases – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If it is your position that social welfare programs are wasteful expenditures that create dependency – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If you believe that the way to motivate the jobless is to pull the last remaining source of economic assistance out from under them – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If you believe the majority of welfare recipients are getting one over on you – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If you feel you have been exploited and set upon by the government – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If you consider yourself independent from, and not responsible for, societal needs – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If it is your conviction that anyone can find a job and those that are not employed are lazy and unwilling to seek a job – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If your religion has convinced you that young women who, through whatever circumstance, are pregnant deserve to suffer ridicule and impoverishment – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If for any reason you are beset with feelings of superiority when the less fortunate, less educated members of society are mentioned – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If, for any reason, you see yourself or judge yourself to be “higher classed” than your fellow citizens – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If it is your feeling that you have no responsibility to participate in the on-going, ever-continuing work of building a better society in which all people have an opportunity to better themselves, through education, health care, job opportunities and housing – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If you, as a male, consider your place in society somewhat more important than your female counterpart and are perfectly OK with unequal pay for the same job – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If it is your desire to see the continued drift toward unfettered and unregulated business practices – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If you deem the individual more important than the collective whole and believe that the best path forward is objective self-interest – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

If you see nothing wrong in the attempts to subvert and tear down the United States of America from within – DO NOT VOTE FOR ME.

To take this one step further – if I were to be so naïve as to seek elective office – I would declare as clearly as humanly possible: if you identify with anything I have listed, I do not want your vote.

Don Nelson lives in Lawton, OK and is a frequent contributor to The Oklahoma Observer


Arnold Hamilton
Arnold Hamilton
Arnold Hamilton became editor of The Observer in September 2006. Previously, he served nearly two decades as the Dallas Morning News’ Oklahoma Bureau chief. He also covered government and politics for the San Jose Mercury News, the Dallas Times Herald, the Tulsa Tribune and the Oklahoma Journal.