To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Tuesday, March 11, 2025


GOP Plan For Medicare Is Not Nice


BY FROMA HARROP The House Republican plan for balancing budgets includes deep cuts in federal health care spending. It is honest but not nice. It’s not nice at all. Give the blueprint’s author, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, credit for this: He bravely goes where the big money is – Medicare, the popular government health plan for the elderly and disabled. His vision would ditch Medicare as we know it, whereby the government picks up […]

Arnold Hamilton
Arnold Hamilton
Arnold Hamilton became editor of The Observer in September 2006. Previously, he served nearly two decades as the Dallas Morning News’ Oklahoma Bureau chief. He also covered government and politics for the San Jose Mercury News, the Dallas Times Herald, the Tulsa Tribune and the Oklahoma Journal.