To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Monday, March 24, 2025


Greenland. Canada. Panama.


Why stop there? France, Spain, England and other dominant world powers of several hundred years ago had their times at running much of the world.

Turned out great. England kept India impoverished; tried to tax the hell out of the Colonies; still plays like Canada is theirs; etc. Spain and France took turns running Europe and, until Spain proved they didn’t know how to put together an armada, it was almost a fair fight.

And then there is broke Russia, where murderer Vladimir Putin is trying to be reborn as Alexander the Great starting by invading Ukraine with his eyes on Poland, Czech Republic, Austria or wherever.

The two megalomaniacs – in case you missed it, I’m referring to Donald Trump and his little, but smarter brother Putin – are mere images of each other, and only if people with common sense and maybe a little background in history, do we have a chance to stop the madness.

Yes, there are American connections in each of Trump’s current targets. Greenland? Yep, the United States Air Force occupies Thule AFB where Americans watch out for Russian misbehavior. Panama? I’ve been there on duty with the Oklahoma Air National Guard and received briefings on the Canal and Noreiga’s dictatorship. He’s gone now but the canal is there and functioning. Canada? Just an artificial line between them and us so why not just make them the 51st state?

Renaming the Gulf of Mexico? Sure, but don’t stop with just Gulf of America. Let’s do real pride and stroke an ego and make it Lake Trump. He won’t be happy until it is.

The world order is not very orderly. Trump is now really displaying his intent, and it is not far off from a fellow named Hitler. The British tried to placate him and after several hundred million dead, finally Hitler was.

We’ve seen this rodeo before. Take power, declare press the enemy, explain the need for expanded executive authority, grab some land and promise to take more because his country needs it.

Trumpers, laugh all you want, but in the end, the joke will be on you and yours because, as some bloke once said, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

P.S. I almost forgot. Our hands are not so clean. We paid the Ruskies $7 million for Alaska, kept Guam, oversaw Japan, cut up Germany, retained a few hundred islands here and there … maybe you’ve heard of Hawaii; own a base on Cuba and how about Puerto Rico. It even wants to be a state.

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Cal Hobson
Cal Hobson
Cal Hobson, a Lexington Democrat, served in the Oklahoma Legislature from 1978-2006, including one term as Senate President Pro Tempore.