To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Tuesday, March 18, 2025


Hands Off Those Military Ballots


When President Donald Trump demands that we “get rid of the ballots,” everyone knows exactly what he means. Since last spring, the aspiring tinpot dictator in the White House has spit out daily tweets full of falsehoods about mail ballots, which he calls “awful,” “terrible” and “ripe for FRAUD.” He pretends to draw a distinction between mail-in ballots and absentee ballots – the method used by him and many others in the White House to […]

Joe Conason
Joe Conason
Joe Conason is an American journalist, author and liberal political commentator. He writes a column for and has written a number of books, including Big Lies, which addresses what he says are myths spread about liberals by conservatives.