Every time I hear someone say that voters think Republicans do a better job with the economy, I hear irony taking her last breath. It’s also when it hits me why so many GOP lawmakers want to parse out what history students can learn.
Look at the economic history of the U.S. during the last four decades. Bill Clinton’s two terms in office were notable for his handling of the conflict in Eastern Europe and for the robust economy. It was in Obama’s two terms that we recovered from the Bush-era recession. In both cases, Democratic administrations cleaned up after GOP top-down policies.
Cutting taxes for wealthy people isn’t going to improve the economy. Putting policies in place to educate people, give them access to healthcare, and expanding access to jobs that pay a living wage create a robust economy.
Cutting the tax rate for the wealthy also increases the deficit, and there is enough proof to know that none of that money is going to trickle back down.
In the past four years, Republicans in Congress have doubled down by refusing to raise funding for the IRS so they can go after the wealthy tax cheats. This is a de facto tax cut for people who have already had all the cuts they need.
I’m not against all tax cuts. The sales tax cut on groceries was a good move, but it won’t replace the summer feeding program that Gov. Stitt snubbed his nose at this summer.
That average savings on groceries looks a lot better to those who have enough money to buy groceries. If you can’t afford groceries, there are no savings from a tax cut.
I’m assuming the governor knows this. I’m also assuming he thinks voters are dim enough to not see what he’s doing here, which is kicking hungry kids while they’re down.
I’m assuming, as well, that he knows that tax cuts benefit the wealthy and do nothing for the people who can use government services.
I know I keep repeating myself, but I believe we could change politics in Oklahoma if economics were a required subject in school. Understanding the role that the economy plays in everything would make clear the disaster of trickle-down economics and the miracle that is the Democrats’ penchant for putting taxpayer dollars to work for the taxpayers.