Just when you think Donald Trump’s campaign couldn’t get any nuttier let me introduce you to … wait for it … Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
He is a vaccine denier so rest easy mumps, measles, rubella, chicken pox, whooping cough and other diseases almost totally eradicated thanks to vaccines but now have a friend in the form of Bobby Kennedy.
Kennedy also has told us WiFi causes cancer and leaky brains.
Not to be outdone with just that lunacy, Kooky Kennedy also opines that chemicals in the water will cause children to become trans.
This guy has been on the lunatic fringe so often for so many reasons even Instagram kicked him off their platform.
Well, he won’t be, and this clueless clown Kennedy brings almost no votes but plenty of heavy, negative baggage as outlined above and those examples only scratch the surface.
Oh, I almost forgot. Bobby also says he has a worm in his brain and he thinks he placed a dead bear cub in Central Park in New York City a few years ago and … and … and … and now he potentially could be drawing a federal paycheck which should be an embarrassment to the entire Kennedy clan.
Talk about putting the Crazy Uncle in the basement during Thanksgiving.
My only question is, since Trump says other countries are emptying their mental hospitals and sending their clients to America as illegals, why did he have to select one of the kookiest to potentially serve in his administration?
Birds of a feather and all that.