To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, December 22, 2024


Let’s Talk About Guns



It never occurred to me that a shotgun was anything but a necessary tool, on my grandfather’s ranch or on my small homestead. While I’m not prepared to give up my .410 when there are water moccasins that stray too far from the creek bank, I’ve begun to question my own beliefs.

How much firepower is too much for individuals? Who has the right to decide?

Here are a few more questions about gun ownership and gun rights to which I’d like answers.

Is the NRA the largest registry of gun owners in the world?

What can be done with a list like that?

If democracy falls, would listed gun owners that speak out against the person or group in power be targeted?

What is the real purpose of the list? Marketing? Political power? Gun control?

Would it be possible to regulate what manufacturers are allowed to sell to the public?

Yeah, I realize that when corporations are in charge of the political system, that’s a stupid question.

What makes some people need to display their firepower?

Is a conceal carry license an unnecessary expense in Oklahoma?

Does a background check for gun ownership curtail freedom any more than a background check for employment?

Can we be truly free if we can’t own any weapon we choose?

Can we be truly free if we are afraid to send our children to school?

Which is the greater threat to freedom?

Why can’t we sit down and talk about these things without choosing sides? I mean, just bring up the topic of gun rights and both sides are on their knees loading and taking aim.

Yes, I know I’m sometimes guilty. I know that there are a lot of topics in addition to Second Amendment rights to which my question applies.

But, please, can we talk?

Sharon Martin lives in Oilton, OK and is a regular contributor to The Oklahoma Observer. Her latest book, Not A Prodigal, is available through Barnes and Noble. Her recent children’s book, Froggy Bottom Blues, can be purchased in hardcover or paperback from Doodle and Peck Publishingand in paperback from Amazon.