To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, March 26, 2025


Observercast Episode 23: Yes On 802


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On Tuesday, June 30, Oklahoma voters can act where a Republican-dominated statehouse has fiddled for more than a decade – on Medicaid expansion.

If State Question 802 is approved in primary voting, an estimated 200,000 of the state’s working poor finally will gain access to life-saving health coverage. Moreover, health facilities teetering under the weight of uncompensated care will get a financial lifeline that ensures they can keep the doors open, especially in rural Oklahoma.

For a special edition of Observercast – Episode 23: Yes On 802 – we turn to the Oklahoma Policy Institute’s senior research analyst Paul Shinn to detail the facts and expose the fiction about Medicaid expansion.

This is one of the most important state questions ever presented to Oklahoma voters. It will determine whether our collective health continues to scrape the bottom of the barrel in national indexes – or whether we embark on a new era that guarantees all Oklahomans, regardless of socio economic status or address, can access life-saving wellness and emergency care.