To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Tuesday, March 25, 2025


Oklahomans Poisoned By NM Nuke Garbage Dump



Carlsbad, NM is the site of the nation’s only nuclear weapons program garbage dump. The dump is dependent on the nation’s 104 operating nuclear reactors. Plutonium is used in making The Bomb, it melts at 640 degrees C or 1,184 degress F, and is made in reactors. It is not mined anywhere on Earth.

CarlsbadNukeThe Carlsbad garbage dump is on fire. The burning radioactive metal does not go away, it turns to dense black radioactive smoke. The black smoke is very obvious in the daytime and it streamed from several ventilator shafts during a fire at the dump several weeks ago.

The shafts were then closed and the visible smoke kept underground. Plutonium does not need oxygen to burn and escaped anyway. The HEPA filters are not good enough to contain the very small Plutonium particles; that’s because nothing is. The fire very well could still be burning Plutonium and Uranium in the salt mine.

The special bomb-making isotopes catch fire easily and burn at unearthly high temperatures – nothing can contain a fire in the underground garbage dump. Since Uranium and Plutonium burn at higher temperatures than rock salt, there is a remote possibility the underground dump itself is on fire.

This is all about the contaminated garbage left over from making nuclear and thermonuclear bombs. That is the source of the poisonous garbage buried 2,200 feet, or 670.56 meters, beneath the southeastern New Mexico desert.

The nation manufactured more than 60,000 nuclear and thermonuclear weapons. Bomb production has not necessarily stopped. All the contaminated garbage, trucks, tools, junk, wipes and clothes, etc. from 70 years-plus of nuclear weapons production is stuffed down a hole in New Mexico.

As of Feb. 28, the mine operator, a private corporation, had announced that 13 employees were radiologically contaminated inside their bodies. From the few reports that surfaced, enough plutonium was released to kill 35,500 people.

The Department of Energy [DOE] has legal title to all the nation’s thermonuclear weapons and is one point of possible responsibility. The DOE announced six areas of potential contamination spreading outward from the garbage dump.

All adults in the First Contamination Zone, up to 100 miles or 160km, from the Carlsbad dump are eligible for free whole body scans. This is of little value in plutonium contamination since it is a different form of radioactive energy. The expensive scans take about an hour and, of course, will find nothing. That’s a typical DOE scam.

It’s amazing. A normal human couldn’t make this up if they tried. That’s life in the DOE and the nation’s nuclear weapons program. It is just bizarre.


1. Infinitely bad stuff to be sure; but we do have numbers on the Infinite. The Lethality was well established last century in the 1940s and 1950s. Plutonium Lethality = 10 Million per Gram. Of course, Plutonium burial is why WIPP is in business. The Wipp is no more than a very expensive, problem plagued nuclear garbage dump that supports the construction, transportation, maintenance and use of thermonuclear weapons. For André (Tamplin, Cochran, Gofman) 1 gram Pu239 = 10 millions lethal doses.)

2. “DOE said the radiation that got into the air Valentine’s Day was likely at very low levels, no more risky than a chest X-ray”

Unlike external exposure to radiation, these 13 staff will suffer the same fate as the beagle dogs that were made to inhale plutonium dioxide. To be specific

“Deaths from radiation pneumonitis occurred from 1.5 to 5.4 years after exposure. Tumors of the lung, skeleton and liver occurred beginning at about 3 years after exposure. Bone tumors found in 93 dogs were the most common cause of death. Lung tumors found in 46 dogs were the second most common cause of death. Liver tumors, which were found in 20 dogs but were the cause of death in only two dogs, occurred later than the tumors in bone and lung. Tumors in these three organs often occurred in the same animal and were competing causes of death. These findings in dogs suggest that similar dose-related biological effects could be expected in humans accidentally exposed to 238PuO2.

3. TV: “Imminent situation” at U.S. nuclear site — Emergency operations center evacuated due to fire deep underground — “One of most serious incidents” on record — Anonymous footage of thick black smoke coming from ground (VIDEO) February 6, 2014

4. TV: “Disturbing new development in WIPP radiation leak, surprising words today” — “What went wrong and why, those are some of the questions swirling around” — County official calls it ‘a disaster’ (VIDEOS) February 27, 2014

5. TV: Radioactive waste containers may be “smashed and opened” after roof collapse at leaking U.S. nuclear site — Official: We believe there’s been a breach… “It’s a very serious thing” — ‘Seismic event’ mentioned — High levels of alpha and beta radiation detected (VIDEO) February 21, 2014

6. CNN: Alarm due to radiation spike brings ’1st-of-its-kind’ response at US nuclear site — Inspections cancelled, no one able to enter facility due to ‘high radiation’ levels — Reuters: Plans got called off over ‘safety thing’ — Gov’t: ‘Pretty sure’ we know where leak is — Local TV calls it ‘emergency’ (VIDEO) February 17, 2014

7. LA Times: Expert says ‘radiological process’ may have forced material out of container at US nuclear site, “Could be a mess”; Officials saying little about extent of problem — Levels remain too high to let in non-essential personnel — Air monitors not allowed to collect filters February 18, 2014

8. Direct metal oxidation: a process-oriented approach, Actinide Research Quarterly, Los Alamos National Lab, 1st & 2nd Quarter 2008, [burning Plutonium,]

9. Picture – Plutonium Fire Smoke at WIPP Carlsbad, New Mexico, Source: “Current Argus,” Carlsbad, New Mexico, Feb 28, 2014.

10. “Chronic inflammation, mutation and cancer,” Stephan Christen, Tory Hagen, M K Shigenaga, and Bruce N Ames, pages 35 to 88 in book. 319 references in one article.

11. C E Finch, Biology of human longevity. 182 pages of references. Amazon, 7. Microbes and Malignancies, Infection as a cause of human cancers, edited by Julie Parsonnet. Amazon,

Map: NOAA HYSPLIT MODEL Forward Trajectory starting at 0300 UTC 15 Feb 14 GDAS Meterological Data. Here is the HYSPLIT plutonium dispersion map for the Feb. 14 WIPP radiation release, for the first 24 hours. Bobby1’s Blog.

Bob Nichols is a Project Censored Award winning writer and a San Francisco Bay View correspondent whose work regularly appears in The Oklahoma Observer and on-line at A former bomb maker in a U.S. government factory in rural Oklahoma, he reports on the two nuclear weapons labs in the Bay Area This essay first appeared at

© Bob Nichols All rights reserved. Distribute with credit and all Notes and Sources. Reach Bob Nichols at



  1. 7. LA Times: Expert says ‘radiological process’ may have forced material out of container at US nuclear site, “Could be a mess”; Officials saying little about extent of problem — Levels remain too high to let in non-essential personnel — Air monitors not allowed to collect filters February 18, 2014

    I have found the article which you cited above… But where did you find that is says “Air monitors not allowed to collect filters”?

  2. Well done! You figured it out!

    This is getting worse, confusion and despair reign in Carlsbad.

    Don’t even think about visiting Carlsbad or anywhere near it. Oklahoma may be too close, too.

    This Poison lasts an eternity.

Arnold Hamilton
Arnold Hamilton
Arnold Hamilton became editor of The Observer in September 2006. Previously, he served nearly two decades as the Dallas Morning News’ Oklahoma Bureau chief. He also covered government and politics for the San Jose Mercury News, the Dallas Times Herald, the Tulsa Tribune and the Oklahoma Journal.