To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Thursday, March 27, 2025


Ryan Walters Has Me Stooping To Four-Letter Words


Warning: This post contains impolite language. I’m not proud of it, but I’m also not changing it. [Note: OK, I did delete the worst bit!]

Against my better judgement, I watched Ryan Walters’ CNN interview from Nov. 18. I had a visceral reaction, but that is nothing new.

This interview is a perfect case study of Walters’ public persona. It exemplifies so many of his typical performances. He is relentless at deflecting. He makes absurd overgeneralizations. His arguments are maddeningly full of holes. His demeanor is deliberately smug. His evocation of Trump is ludicrously obsequious.

He throws out inflammatory verbiage to derail interlocuters when they ask him a question he wants to dodge because he has no sensible answer. Horseshit like this [paraphrased]:

CNN: Where does your authority to mandate your prayer video come from?

Walters: Thanks for pushing the radical left-wing woke agenda like CNN always does.

CNN: But where does your authority come from, when the state’s AG says you don’t have it?

Walters: Liberal extremists don’t want students to know anything about the Bible. Trump’s agenda is crystal clear.

CNN: Why did you spend tax dollars on the $60-a-pop Trump-endorsed bibles, which your critics say is political pandering?

Walters: Liberals want pornography in our schools.

This painful video, in short, is typical Ryan Walters. He does it in the news media, he does it in board meetings, he does it in state legislature committee meetings. He does it on official social media sites. He is fully dismissive of any criticisms or challenges. His m.o. is much like how Trump defines “election fraud” as being evidenced by any election he loses. Walters defines “liberal woke extremists” as anyone who doesn’t 100% agree with him.

He triggers me … and if he knew that and knew me from Adam, he’d love it. But he’s not just an arrogant piss hole. He’s a grossly irresponsible one.

Irresponsible how? He isn’t doing all this Culture Warrior grandstanding as a far right-wing talk-show host. He’s doing it while neglecting and abusing his position as state superintendent, throwing away precious resources intended for public schools, and undermining the mission of supporting the education of our state’s children.

And why? For principles? No.

For sheer, personal ambition.

His arrogance is his oxygen. His nonchalant abuse of public trust is his norm. Thus my frequent columns about the dangers to sane education policy he represents.

Sorry for stooping to name calling. I’ll go pet my cat now.

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Kevin Acers
Kevin Acers
Kevin Acers is a social worker, educator, and poet living in Oklahoma City. He is a former board member of the Oklahoma Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty and the ACLU of Oklahoma.