To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Monday, June 17, 2024


Home 2009 November

Monthly Archives: November 2009

A Grateful Thanks – 50 Years Later

BY CAROLYN WATERMAN Today is Veterans' Day, a day that means much to me as I am the daughter of a World War II veteran,...

Visiting With A Korean War Vet

BY EDWIN E. VINEYARD While undertaking the physically challenging task of pushing a shopping cart through the lengths, depths, and widths of the vast domain...

Real Recovery Is Easy To Spell: J-O-B-S


BY JIM HIGHTOWER The recession is over! The economy is growing! The Dow Jones is above 10,000! Bankers are pocketing profits and fat bonuses! Happy days are here again! Unless, of course, you’re just a regular working stiff struggling with falling income and rising unemployment – and sensing that your family’s grip on middle-class life […]

The San Francisco Democrat


BY SUSAN ESTRICH You’ve got to hand it to Nancy Pelosi. Love her or hate her – and there are probably more people in the second category than the first – you can’t deny the enormity of her accomplishment. She did something very, very big. She cut a tough deal at the last minute to […]

Finally, Dems Find Their Voice?

BY RICHARD L. FRICKER It seems the Democrats may have found a voice in calling for Sen. Tom Coburn to release his hold on S.1963,...