To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Friday, July 26, 2024


Harris Must Reach Into Her Law And Order Past


What follows here assumes that Kamala Harris carries out her stated intention to “earn the nomination” and not pretend that the crown is only in the shop. This gives her an opportunity to craft her image as a centrist with a spine, the sort of Democrat who can win national elections. The Democratic nominee has […]

Speaking Truth To Power


“I think if he is our nominee, I think we lose,” soon to be Sen. Adam Schiff said during a fundraiser last Saturday, according to a person with access to a transcription of a recording of the event. “And we may very, very well lose the Senate and lose our chance to take back the […]

America’s Summer Burn: Pride And Rage


Washington is burning. This is America. The mercury soars to 100 F, and people are sheltering in place. Death by heat wave or dehydration? No, that couldn’t happen here. And yet, consider the wild things that have happened here lately, turning the presidential race upside down since the end of June. The shocking attempt on […]

What If A Homeless Person Served On The Supreme Court?


What’s wrong with Neil Gorsuch? His soul, I mean. As one of the domineering right-wing extremists on the Supreme Court, Gorsuch routinely supports enthroning plutocracy, autocracy and his own brand of Christian theocracy over people’s democratic rights. But he also uses his unelected, unchecked judicial position to take power and justice away from America’s least […]

Biden’s Economy Is Superior In Just About Every Way


In overseeing the American economy, President Joe Biden has shown himself to be an amazing manager. It’s all there in the numbers, especially when placed next to those of his predecessor. And should Biden win a second term and show himself to be not as sharp as he was four years ago, small matter economy-wise. […]