To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

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Home 2010 August

Monthly Archives: August 2010

The Convent At Auschwitz


BY SUSAN ESTRICH Recently, I found myself on Fox News defending the “Ground Zero mosque” before I’d fully thought it through. Truth be told, when someone called to set up the “hit,” I thought they were talking about another mosque project I’d heard about on the radio. So there I was, invoking the First Amendment, […]

Sarah Advises Dr. Laura

BY KENNY BELFORD Right-wing talk show host Dr. Laura Schlessinger found out it's offensive to use the "N" word repeatedly, when speaking to an African-American...

Courage And Lower Manhattan


BY JOE CONASON Nothing tests a president like standing up against a wave of fear and prejudice, even at potentially great cost to his own party and prospects. That is what Lyndon Baines Johnson did when he signed the civil rights acts he knew would forfeit the South to the Republicans for a generation or […]

Washington Saved Our Economic Hide


BY FROMA HARROP Clarence the angel has a tough job in “It’s a Wonderful Life.” He must show the suicidal George Bailey what terrible things would have happened had he not been born. Two prominent economists are playing Clarence to the multitudes who believe that forceful government intervention during the financial meltdown should never have […]

In God’s Name

BY KAREN WEBB Here in Oklahoma, the favorite mantra is “we are not politically motivated,” but they are religiously motivated. They are trying to save...