To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

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Home 2011 February

Monthly Archives: February 2011

Voting Rights Denied

BY NORM ROURKE Women were given the right to vote. People of all races were given the right to vote. Those 18-years-old were given the...

America’s War To The Death


BY ALEXANDER COCKBURN There’s a life and death struggle being fought here in the United States, more sedate certainly, but in terms of human welfare every bit as momentous in the long term as the dramatic rebellions in the Middle East. The epicenter right now is in Madison, WI, in American’s upper Midwest. But tomorrow, […]

Laying Blame


BY SUSAN ESTRICH The public school teachers in Wisconsin are not responsible for the credit collapse, the national unemployment rate, the fall of the industrial sector or the fiscal crisis. Allowing them to bargain collectively has not bankrupted Wisconsin. Its declining tax revenues have nothing to do with the fact that highly educated and trained […]

Yes, America Still Needs Unions


BY JOE CONASON “There was once a need for unions, but they’ve outlived their purpose,” said a nice lady interviewed on the radio in Tennessee just the other day. Annoyed by the spectacle of tens of thousands of teachers, firefighters, cops and other public employees rallying to protect their rights in Wisconsin, she was saying […]

Educate Or Incarcerate

BY SHARON MARTIN In 2005, 85% of the juveniles who had dealings with the juvenile court system were functionally illiterate. According to the National Adult...