To Comfort The Afflicted
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To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

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Monthly Archives: April 2012

Politics And Ethics

BY SHARON MARTIN It is a fact that sea levels are rising and glaciers are disappearing. For the past two years, northern Oklahoma has had...

How Dumb Can You Be?


BY SUSAN ESTRICH I went to a strip club once. OK, maybe it was twice. The guys were going; I was curious. It reminded me of the first time I walked into a casino, in a hotel in Reno where I was staying on business. I expected glamour, James Bond look-alikes in dashing tuxedos. I […]

Romney Could Turn A Tie Into A Lead


BY ALEXANDER COCKBURN A medium-sized thunderbolt has crashed down amid the somewhat torpid early stages of the presidential campaign. A New York Times/CBS poll of registered voters, released Wednesday, shows President Obama and the assured Republican nominee Mitt Romney running neck and neck, at 46% each. Only last month the same poll was showing Obama […]

What Mitt Romney Seems To Believe [And Why He’s So Disliked]


BY JOE CONASON With the Republican primary contest over and the general election underway, Mitt Romney faces a voting public whose disdain for him has reached levels that pollsters describe as “historic.” From his embittered opponents as well as from Romney and his campaign, Americans have learned that the former Massachusetts governor simply won’t uphold […]

This Is Justice?

BY RICHARD L. FRICKER As the Oklahoma Legislature trudges to a close next month, Republicans have been busy taking government out of Oklahomans’ lives –...