To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

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Home 2014 March

Monthly Archives: March 2014

Oklahomans Poisoned By NM Nuke Garbage Dump

BY BOB NICHOLS Carlsbad, NM is the site of the nation’s only nuclear weapons program garbage dump. The dump is dependent on the nation’s 104...

OKC Petition Aims At Pot Penalties

BY RICHARD L. FRICKER A group calling itself Reform OKC announced Monday the launch of a petition drive to lower the municipal criminal penalties for...

What Tax Cuts Hath Wrought

BY DAVID PERRYMAN What is on your Bucket List? Composing a list of what you would like to experience, do, feel or see before you...

To Defeat GOP’s Restrictive Voting Laws, Debunk ‘Voter Fraud’


BY JOE CONASON Growing up in Jim Crow Arkansas, Bill Clinton saw how the state’s dominant political and racial elite maintained power by suppressing the rights of minority voters who threatened its authority – and as a young activist, worked to bring down that illegitimate power structure. So when Clinton says, “There is no greater […]

A-List + B-List = 0 Progress

BY JAMES NIMMO With great political expertise, the current mayor of Oklahoma City, Mick Cornett, not known for being gay-friendly except when it comes to...