To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Home 2014 June

Monthly Archives: June 2014

The Power Of 3,607


BY SUSAN ESTRICH That’s how many people it took to bring down House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, doom immigration reform and leave all but the most tea-sodden Republicans quaking. No, it wasn’t the Democrats who did it. Various complicated analyses of voting patterns confirm what anyone who has ever tried to convince even their own […]

Don’t Blame Capitalism

BY VERN TURNER Ray Carey is the author of Democratic Capitalism: The Way to a World of Peace and Plenty. His very illuminating essay ...

What Lurks In A Child’s Online World?


BY FROMA HARROP What is the most shocking takeaway from the story of the two 12-year-olds who repeatedly stabbed their friend – nearly to death – on the imagined orders of a fantasy character? Is it the preteens’ apparent disconnect from the truth of what they were doing? One of the assailants childishly described her […]

Speaking Truth To Power


BY SUSAN ESTRICH One of the hardest things to understand about the whole Bowe Bergdahl exchange is how the White House could be so hopelessly tone deaf as to not understand what was going to happen next. They knew that the circumstances surrounding Bergdahl’s capture raised serious questions as to whether he had deserted his […]

They Give Pulitzers For Will’s Kind Of Logic?

BY KAREN WEBB Progressivism is creating false rape charges on campus? Columnist George Will thinks that addressing the problem of sexual assault on campuses is creating...