To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Home 2014 June

Monthly Archives: June 2014

A Bold Shift In America’s Minimum Wage Debate


BY JIM HIGHTOWER At last, our political leaders in Washington are taking action for low-wage workers and the middle class, striking a bold blow for America’s historic values of economic fairness and common good. Gosh, I hope you don’t think I meant Washington, DC! No, no – the same old corporate mentality of stiffing workers […]

In Bergdahl Case, ‘Conservatives’ Ignore Basic American Principles


BY JOE CONASON What the Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl saga demonstrates beyond question – to anyone who still nurtured any doubt – is that the Republican right will junk just about any basic American value to satisfy its hatred of President Barack Obama. Fair play, due process, respect for families and the military: To most, if […]

Revolving Doors

BY DAVID PERRYMAN Beginning in 1965, Green Acres was the place to be. “Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside,” was the message contained in...

Worst Session Ever?

BY ARNOLD HAMILTON If the 2014 session were a high-stakes test for lawmakers, the vast majority would have failed – miserably. Of course, the way they...

Not Much To Lose In Move From Coal


BY FROMA HARROP Barack Obama need not ask how well he’s doing in coal country, because the answer is always the same: Not well. A cerebral black man never had much of a chance in poor, rural white Appalachia; let’s be honest [though we don’t have to like it]. In 2012, Obama lost to Mitt […]