To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

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Home 2014 June

Monthly Archives: June 2014

Riding The Rails

BY BOB D. ROUNSAVELL Margaret Mead, a world-renowned cultural anthropologist of the 20th Century, observed life as constant process and summed it thus: “Never doubt...

Wall Street Rewards Ben And Tim For Stiffing You


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Not only has the Wall Street bailout restored the banksters who wrecked [and are still wrecking] our economy to full prosperity but it’s also paying off very handsomely for the bank overseers who orchestrated the bailout. Perhaps you’ve been wondering: How are good ol’ Ben and Little Timmy doing these days? Extremely […]

Stacked Deck

Review by John R. Wood A FIGHTING CHANCE By Elizabeth Warren Henry Holt & Co. 384 pages, $28   It seems that junior Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren is taking over...

Hypocrisy In High Places

BY DON NELSON Not to oversimplify it but when I think of government I have this image: at the top the federal government, then state...

Education: The Real Job Creator

BY SHARON MARTIN “Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys,” Waylon Jennings sang. “Don’t let them pick guitars and drive them old...