To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

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Monthly Archives: May 2015

Obama’s Ugly Show Of Presidential Petulance


BY JIM HIGHTOWER When the going got tough, Barack got in a huff, and then he got gruff. President Obama has worked himself into such a tizzy over the TPP that he’s lashing out at his progressive friends in Congress. He’s mad because they refuse to be stereotypical lemmings, following him over this political cliff […]

Has Our American ‘Middle Class’ Disappeared

BY KENNETH WELLS The phrase “middle class” is fast disappearing from national, state and county political vocabularies. This should not be a surprise to any...

Death Penalty For Tsarnaev Hurts Boston


BY FROMA HARROP Why was 21-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev sentenced to die in a state so generally opposed to capital punishment? A recent Boston Globe poll found that only 19% of Massachusetts residents wanted the Boston Marathon bomber put to death. The state hasn’t seen an execution since 1947. That sentence happened because national politics took […]

Getting A Good Head Start

BY DAVID PERRYMAN Ideally, everyone in Oklahoma enjoyed a healthy breakfast this morning. Ideally, everyone got a good night’s sleep in a comfortable bed. Ideally,...

If The Numbers Are So Good …


BY SUSAN ESTRICH How come everyone I know is depressed? I mean the job numbers. And I don’t mean that literally everyone I know is depressed. But you don’t hear too many people humming show tunes in the grocery line. People seem to pull away from the television screen in the elevator, as if the […]