To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, May 5, 2024


A Sorry Place



Think about it: We are advanced enough to send a satellite to Saturn through a bunch of millions of miles of empty space, maintain communication with it and receive countless pictures back through those bunch of millions of miles of space and we can see it flame out going into Saturn’s atmosphere.

But we can’t rid ourselves of two dangerous psychos posing as leaders of their respective countries, Kim-Chee Un and Dotard Cheeto, and we let them terrorize the entire world as the two of them see who can make the biggest arc with their souped-up nuclear missiles posing as penis proxies for their egos.

What a sorry place the world has become. Technology but no sense. Brains but no heart.

James Nimmo lives in Oklahoma City and is a frequent contributor to The Oklahoma Observer

Mark Krawczyk
Mark Krawczyk
March 9, 2023
Exceptional reporting about goings on in my home state as well as informative opinion pieces that makes people think about issues of the day...........get a SUBSCRIPTION FOLKS!!!!!!!
Brette Pruitt
Brette Pruitt
September 5, 2022
The Observer carries on the "give 'em hell" tradition of its founder, the late Frosty Troy. I read it from cover to cover. A progressive wouldn't be able to live in a red state without it.