To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Friday, January 24, 2025


An Electoral Silver Bullet?


It’s official: Oklahoma recorded the nation’s lowest age-eligible voter turnout in the November general election – a Code Red warning that our body politic is on life support, if not in a death spiral.

Can anything be done to restore the patient to health?

One citizens’ group, Oklahoma United, thinks it has identified the antidote: open primaries in which all voters [regardless of party affiliation] cast judgment on all candidates (Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, independents) in a single primary.

For this week’s Observercast – Giving Everybody A Say – Oklahoma United’s CEO and founder Margaret Kobos joins us to discuss the group’s initiative petition drive aimed at getting SQ 835 onto the 2026 ballot … so voters themselves can decide whether they want to open up the primaries or maintain a lethargic status quo.