To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, October 26, 2024


Business As Usual



According to a survey, 50% of those polled oppose the new health care reform law. Opponents of health care reform were quick to publish these numbers [43% favor the new law and 7% are undecided]. What they didn’t tell you is that 13% of those who oppose the new bill said they did so because reform didn’t go far enough. They, like me, feel that all Americans would be better off health-wise and financially if we had universal coverage.

So, the true number of those who want to see the death of health care reform [Opposed – Too Liberal) is 37%. Where I come from, 37% is not a mandate to get rid of health care reform. But our local delegation will press on in their denial.

Who should oppose health care reform? Health insurers should. They look to lose control of who gets treatment, who gets paid, and how much. Right now, they’re milking this cash cow for all she’s worth. My own insurance company has raised my rates every six months for the past two years, nearly doubling my monthly cost.

Reform might not matter to you if you have enough cash to cover any treatment. Perhaps you have company-sponsored insurance with low rates and ample coverage. But what if your company defaults? I’m sure there are former Lehman Brothers employees and laid-off GM workers who would appreciate affordable health care right now.

The better question might be, “What would universal coverage look like?”

My niece, Hannah, is spending the spring semester studying in Italy. She is covered by her parents’ insurance, which is a good thing; she takes an expensive drug to control migraine headaches. My sister was in a panic because the insurance company would not allow her to purchase more than a 30-day supply of the necessary drug, and she can’t ship drugs overseas.

“Don’t worry,” said Hannah’s doctor. “She’ll go to a doctor in Italy and get a prescription. She’ll get the prescription filled for a few dollars. She’ll be fine.”

Here, the prescription, with insurance, costs more than $100 for a 30-day supply. And, when she turns 27, Hannah will be on her own with a pre-existing condition. Sooner, if health care reform is repealed.

The doctor added, “The United States is the only advanced country that makes health care a business instead of a right.”

Why would anyone think that’s OK?

Sharon Martin lives in Oilton, OK and is a regular contributor to The Oklahoma Observer


  1. I’m with you. It’s great to hear sensible voices from home. What no one is saying is that with a doctor in the Senate, Oklahoma still has sub-standard health care. I realize pride is an issue but at some point, a huge medical bill and a less than successful outcome can short circuit state pride in a moment. How about a $16,000 surgery bill after healthcare and medicare has paid? It has happened.

  2. Dishonesty abounds with the GOP on these numbers. Our Oklahoma representatives have government run healthcare for their families and themselves. They have theirs, who cares about you and yours, is the message I get from these reps. It is time to vote them and their hypocrisy out of office!

Arnold Hamilton
Arnold Hamilton
Arnold Hamilton became editor of The Observer in September 2006. Previously, he served nearly two decades as the Dallas Morning News’ Oklahoma Bureau chief. He also covered government and politics for the San Jose Mercury News, the Dallas Times Herald, the Tulsa Tribune and the Oklahoma Journal.