To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, March 15, 2025


‘For Those Concerned About The Rally, Just Stay Home’



That was just one piece of advice doled out by our governor as he and other Okies met in the White House Thursday with President Donald J. Trump. Not only was the most powerful person in the world in attendance but so were a number of his top advisors, including Larry Kudlow, the almost always wrong economic mouthpiece, Treasury Secretary Steven “Got Money” Mnuchin and other heavyweights all extolling what great shape our country is in thanks to just one man, their boss, DJT.

Stitt brought along with him for the DC confab other Okies including Lori Burson, owner of OKC’s Stella Restaurant, and Pete Patel, hotelier of Tulsa and proud owner of more than a dozen lodging facilities that are ready, willing and able to bed down just some of the more than 100,000 Trumpsters expected in T-Town starting tonight.

Notwithstanding an explosion of new infections in Oklahoma former mortgage magnate-turned-political prophet, Stitt reassured our always optimistic Commander in Chief he’s in for a bang-up visit Saturday to the home of the worst race riot in the history of America, the 1921 burning of Black Wall Street in the Greenwood District located in north and west Tulsa. At the same time, back at the scene of the future crime tomorrow, health officials, Mayor G.T. Bynum and others with functioning brains worried about the fallout from such madness. Also prominent area lawyers Paul DeMuro and Clark Brewster filed suit in the Oklahoma Supreme Court attempting to modify the rally and a ruling is expected on that later today. ASM Global, owner of the main event site – BOK Convention Center – tutu’d that interference and our own United States Sen. James Lankford declared this morning he’ll attend the rally and wear a mask except when he won’t. Our other senator, 85-year-old flyboy and Politician For Life Jim Inhofe will be in the area but probably won’t know it. Both will speak while Mayor Bynum has already conveyed wisdom by saying he will not be in, near or around BOK but will wave at Trump as he arrives at the airport.

While the rally on Saturday night downtown is the big deal, an organization made up of several hundred black gunslingers will add some additional color, controversy and possible conflict by parading through Greenwood in the afternoon, all legally packing firearms. This will serve as a reminder to the world that Oklahoma is a proud constitutional carry state. Not satisfied with just that distinction, our Legislature also passed last month the first in the nation anti-red flag law which basically means if someone appears to be loony, wobbly legged, well armed and/or out of touch with reality they can keep on marching, keep on talking and keep on packing as thunderstorms and nightfall roll into town tomorrow.

While all of the above may concern a few of you liberal worry warts, cautious Kevin has a plan to even deal with your delusions by activating 250 or so weekend warriors for duty. This precaution worked so well recently in Washington when our deeply religious president decided he wanted to take a little stroll over to nearby St John’s Church.

Kevin being the always compliant Kevin and after consulting with career military leaders such as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Mark Milley came to the same conclusion that Trump frequently does – what do folks have to lose? – so now we have the perfect mix of armed blacks, armed whites, armed guardsmen and women and armed Secret Service folks.

What could possibly go wrong except everything?

For me I think I’ll spend the evening down in my bomb – I mean tornado – shelter, reading again my favorite book, The Art Of The Deal. Although just fiction, sometimes it seems almost real.

Smoke if you got ‘em. Over and out and please remember the weekend secret word – SNAFU – which as everybody that’s anybody knows stands for “Situation Normal, All F#&+%D Up.”

Cal Hobson, a Lexington Democrat, served in the Oklahoma Legislature from 1978-2006, including one term as Senate President Pro Tempore. His columns appear regularly in The Oklahoma Observer.