To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Monday, February 10, 2025


Giant Pandas Make It All Better – For A While


“It’s all happening at the Zoo.” – Simon and Garfunkel Washington went to the National Zoo en masse last weekend to catch sight of its three most beloved residents: the family of giant pandas. They are Papa Tian Tian, Mama Mei Xiang and “little miracle” Xiao Qi Ji, a pandemic male baby born in 2020. Arguably, an American citizen. Worn from witnessing three weeks of House speaker blood sport, I was in search of spiritual […]

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Jamie Stiehm
Jamie Stiehm
Jamie Stiehm is a Washington journalist and public speaker who writes a syndicated column on national politics and history for Creators Syndicate. Her commentaries and op-eds have appeared in leading newspapers across the nation, such as American Heritage, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and San Francisco Chronicle. She wrote several essays for The New York Times’ “Disunion” series on the Civil War, one of which, The War Comes Home for Lee, was chosen for their hardbound collection, Disunion, published by Oxford University Press [2016].