To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, February 16, 2025


Legislating In The Children’s Interest



The battle to improve the circumstances of Oklahoma’s children is largely fought in the Legislature, where lawmakers will appropriate funds and create policies which impact education, health, foster care and other areas that directly affect kids.

Regardless of one’s political preferences, successful advocacy hinges on understanding the political environment at our state Capitol.

Today, that environment is driven by two main forces: the increase in numbers of the Republican policymakers and legislative turnover created by term limits.

In the state House, Republicans gained four seats, meaning they now control that chamber with a supermajority of 75 members, compared to 26 elected Democrats. In the Senate, Republicans held onto 42 of the 48 seats. According to Ballotpedia, Oklahoma is one of 31 “trifecta government” states with one-party control over the executive and legislative branches. In these states, 25 are controlled by Republicans and six by Democrats.

Just as important to understanding the make up of the Legislature is recognizing the startling number of new faces that will join the House and Senate in 2017. In the Oklahoma Senate, 13 new members took the oath of office out of the 48 member legislative body. In the House, 32 new representatives were elected from the 101-member body. That means almost one-third of our lawmakers will be “freshmen” legislators attempting to learn basic parliamentary procedure, grapple with new responsibilities and political realities, all while trying to drive a constructive policy agenda.

With such a large group of new members, groups like Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy will need to work doubly hard to educate lawmakers about the challenges and problems facing many of Oklahoma’s children.

It was in this context that I was happy to join Rep. Leslie Osborn, R-Mustang, last weekend on Your Vote Counts, a weekly segment on News 9 in Oklahoma City. You can find the link on News9’s website (

The discussion ranged from the mission of OICA to what to expect from the new leadership team, in which Rep. Osborn will play a significant role. We both were optimistic what might occur to alleviate the decrease in revenue collections and new laws passed by policymakers regarding the budget. From modifications to tax credits and exemptions to the discussion for an increase in the Oklahoma tobacco tax, the 149 legislators and our governor will have some tough decisions to make for the best interest of our state.

Speaker-elect McCall and Pro Tempore-elect Schulz will need strong leaders in the various appropriations chair positions and should do everything in their power to include the various perspectives from around the state that have been designated by their districts to be the voices for each at the capitol.

I have been impressed with the willingness to delve deeper into the budgets of the larger agencies at this early stage. Speaker Larry Adair, during the revenue shortfalls faced in his tenure, charged his committee with reviewing agency budgets from the greatest to the smallest. This resulted in a balanced budget which was submitted to Gov. Brad Henry.

I am seeing similar willingness from this newer, younger leadership team. I hope this spirit will continue through policy decisions in the best interests of the children of Oklahoma in the new laws considered beginning in February with the new session.

Former state Rep. Joe Dorman serves as the CEO for the Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy. The mission of OICA is creating awareness, taking action and changing policy to improve the health, safety and wellbeing of Oklahoma’s children.

Joe Dorman
Joe Dorman
Former state Rep. Joe Dorman is chief executive officer of the Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy.