To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Friday, March 14, 2025


Loser Lawmakers Offer Lame Excuses For Beating Kids


Editor’s Note: On Monday, the Oklahoma House reversed course and overwhelmingly approved HB 1028 that would ban corporate punishment for children with developmental disabilities. The measure now goes to the Senate for consideration.

Now we’ve come to the point in Oklahoma that a dim-witted, back-row-sitting, Bible-quoting, silly-smirking solon from Sallisaw, Rep. Jim Olsen, can defeat a bill that simply says don’t whip, punch, beat, slap or otherwise inflict pain on special needs children in our public schools.

Worse, 42 other Republicans voted with him; as a result, the legislation by Rep John Talley, R-Stillwater, went down in flames last Tuesday.

Question: So what’s the difference between Sallisaw and Stillwater? Answer: About two centuries and 134 average IQ.

After their votes were revealed, the ‘Just for fun, whack a special ed child today” crowd had all kinds of excuses.

For example, they thought they were voting against the Bible because Jesus Jim talked about spare the rod, spoil the child. The Good Book also talks about fishes and loaves feeding thousands at a time so they might as well buy Bibles for kids to eat in schools and abolish federal funding for breakfast and lunch programs.

Previously this session, the 43 dim bulbs who voted to allow violence against special kids to continue intervened between parents and doctors concerning decisions about their trans youngsters. They also inserted themselves in our bedrooms to tell grown-ups all about what goes into and out of vaginas.

Not satiated with their already legislated busy body-ness the meddlers soon will tell pharmacies which pills women can take and follow that up with reporting requirements for females who still have periods and I don’t mean the kind teachers put on blackboards.

As for those in the House of Representatives who have a dick between their legs and nothing between their ears, would voters besides just me please tell them they are the reasons that Telsa is in Austin, Panasonic in Kansas and soon Volkswagen in Canada? Will they listen to you?

No, of course not. As Jesus Jim said in his debate supporting child abuse, he claimed God is with him on his decision and actually directs his actions on all things, all of the time.

Naw, I don’t think so. JJ is just showing his ass in public which he thinks Jesus also supports, but The Son of God meant a donkey, not Olsen’s posterior.

Glad I had the chance to clear that up. Wouldn’t it be nice is Jesus Jim would cover his up by shutting his mouth?

Cal Hobson
Cal Hobson
Cal Hobson, a Lexington Democrat, served in the Oklahoma Legislature from 1978-2006, including one term as Senate President Pro Tempore.