Nov’20 Newsmakers


With the pandemic still raging, The Observer’s monthly Newsmakers Series went virtual in November! Editor Arnold Hamilton [above], Observer columnist+former Senate President Pro Tem Cal Hobson and more than three dozen of our closest friends jumped online Nov. 12 for a first-ever Zoom Newsmakers to discuss the 2020 elections and look ahead to the 2021 Legislature.

Newsmakers will return to our regular, in-person, second-Thursday-of-the-month meetings at OKC’s Full Circle Books as soon as it’s safe to gather. In the meantime, be sure to mask up and drop by Full Circle for the best selection of books and friendliest staff around!

Our next Newsmakers will be Jan. 14, 2021 from 6-7 p.m., either virtually via Zoom or in-person at Full Circle Books. For Newsmakers updates, including our lineup of special guests, check out each month’s Observer, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and sign up for our monthly e-newsletters by sending your name and email address to

A special thanks, as always, to the Observer Advisory Board’s Dr. Bruce Prescott for getting Newsmakers uploaded to Vimeo.

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