To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Monday, January 13, 2025


Occupy Fukushima: Fukushima Legislature Votes To Close 10 Nukes



On Oct. 28 it was 232 days since the world’s worst industrial disaster started at the six nuclear power plants at Fukushima Daiichi, Japan. Six reactors are involved – four reactors and/or reactor buildings exploded and the two remaining are questionable; they could explode at anytime.

Worse, there are four more giant billion-watt reactors six miles, or 10 kilometers, south at Fukushima Daiani. These were damaged in the Mar. 11 earthquake but were idled and are currently decaying. The four troubled reactors are in the Exclusion Zone declared by the Japanese government.

Starting Oct. 27 the women of Fukushima organized a demonstration in the capital city of Tokyo at the controlling government ministry for the nuclear industry, The Ministry of Economy. Their demands are but two:

1. Evacuate children in Fukushima to a safer place.

2. Do not restart nuclear power plants that are currently shut off.

The Legislature for Fukushima promptly passed a resolution calling for the immediate closure of all 10 reactors in Fukushima. The decision on their future is up to the governor of Fukushima.

The governor of Fukushima now says they were betrayed by Tepco and the national government of Japan. Watch this column for updates. We’ll see what happens. The traditional Japanese concepts of honor and responsibility would require Hari-Kari or traditional Seppuku, a form of ritual suicide to restore honor in death.


This is a new Facebook page. It is in addition to many pages on Facebook now about Fukushima. Although you won’t see much at all about this possibly extinction-level event on in CNN, MSNBC, the NYT, WAPO and other corporate advertising outlets, Google: Fukushima. It returns 53.4 Google “hits.” Actually, very, very good for a disaster that is kept from the American people. There are also 800 million Facebook members.


Show support for the Japanese Women’s Sit-in at TEPCO [Tokyo Electric Power Co.] headquarters in Toyko. The New York effort is organized by GreenPeace. The initiator is: One World No Nukes/Todos Somos Japan

When: Wednesday, Nov. 2

Where: Consulate-General of Japan, NY: 299 Park Ave [@ 49th Street] New York, NY

11 a.m. to 5 p.m.: Sit-in in front of the building,

3 p.m.: A delivery of a petition to the Consulate General of Japan.

To read/sign the petition –

We request the Japanese Government Protect People, not TEPCO!

1. STOP spreading/burning radioactive rubble all over Japan.

2. EVACUATE children from high-contaminated area.

Other Fukushima on Facebook pages are:

Ask About Trials for Crimes Against Humanity; A Group to Discuss Nuclear Events at Fukushima Daiichi and Around the World; Ask About Fukushima Now; Concerned Citizens Radiation Knowledge Exchange; – Dialogues and Resources on Nuclear; FUKUSHIMA: “All nuke reactors leak, all the time” Solutions Now.

Also on Facebook:

Fukushima – Future; Fukushima Informations; Give your hands to Stop Radiation from Fukushima. Save Japan. Save Mankind.; K2 Autonomous Society; Mushajee; Nuclear Forensics; RAD Weather Watchers; Radiation Health Solutions; Safe Citizen Inter Agency Group; Stop nuclear industry / atomic;

Also, Stop Jaitapur Nuclear Plant; The Global Brain Project; Translate Fukushima; Water Ceremony with Masaru Emoto; We the People vs. G.E., TEPCO and Hitachi; Fukushima 311 WATCHDOGS; The Think Tank; Rainbows; OCCUPY FACEBOOK; OCCUPY FACEBOOK-UNITED WE STAND; OCCUPY FUKUSHIMA; OCCUPY OAKLAND; and, try The Mercury Project… they are thinkers.

Prisoners Unanimous Embracing All Planetary Prisoners – a reviving group of convict pray-ers, primarily in maximum security penitentiaries in the USA, whose purpose is to promote the spirit of goodwill among incarcerated people and society at large via prayer and pen.

Convicts via a long ago established “8 o’clock, local time” pray-er network have been called upon recently to come to the aid of the people of outside societies [who have heretofore been oblivious to and in denial of the “horrible realities” of Fukushima.]

There are also many Facebook “individual walls” of people seriously concerned about the out-of-control Fukushima Death Machine. Children of Chernobyl Children of Fukushima is an individual page as opposed to a group on Facebook. Mushajee is a “group of seven scientists” with a document to discuss.

Is your group listed here? ADD it. Create a new one! Add your comment to an existing Facebook Group!

“Fukushima – This is Homicide, isn’t it?”

Americans or Japanese – What’s the difference?

The SK-EKF Blog is from Japan. The article is from a large Japanese newspaper and recently published.

The actions of the Japanese Federal government in regard to lethal radiation from Fukushima Daichi’s six crippled power plants are outlined with the benefit of hindsight.

What is notable is the American federal and state governments engaged in the same denial of the radioactive facts on the ground and in the air, on Mar. 11 and straight through to the present day. Notably, the American federal government with the obliging assistance the New York Times did the same thing in September 1945 after the August 6 and 9, 1945 atomic bombing of Japan.

The question posed in the Ashai Shinbum, a large and influential Japanese newspaper, article is “This is homicide, isn’t it?” Yeah, it sure is. Dead is dead. Thus the Japanese and American governments by words out of their own mouths stand guilty of Crimes Against Humanity in the suffering and deaths of millions from radiation poisoning.

“This is a homicide, isn’t it?” – Ashai Shinbum, Japanese newspaper

“There is a computer simulation system called SPEEDI, which the national government has spent 13 billion yen to develop. If you input the amount of radiation, topography, weather, wind direction, etc., the system will calculate where the leaked radioactive materials may go.”

“On March 12, two hours before Reactor 1 had a hydrogen explosion, the SPEEDI simulation was carried out by Nuclear Safety Technology Center under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science.”

“The simulation showed radioactive materials flowing toward Tsushima District [in Namie-machi]. But the national government didn’t tell the residents.”

“The result of the SPEEDI simulation was known to the Fukushima prefectural government. The Fukushima government even called up Nuclear Safety Technology Center on March 12 night to ask for the simulation result, which was then sent via email. However, the prefectural government never acted on it. The email has been deleted since, and the record of the receipt of the email is lost.”

“Residents evacuated from Tsushima District on March 15, but it was not until May 20 that they were informed of the SPEEDI result by the Fukushima prefectural government, because the subject was brought up in the Prefectural Assembly.”

“A manager in charge at the prefectural government visited the temporary town hall of Namie-machi in Nihonmatsu City on May 20 to explain.”

“It is a homicide, isn’t it?…” – Ashai Shinbum, end of excerpt.


We all live at the bottom of the Earth’s atmosphere along with all the other critters of creation. There are a lot of different kinds of particles in the air generally called “atmospheric dust.” Since the atomic bombing of Japan in 1945 by the United States the atmospheric dust has included man-made radioactive particles. Many are vanishingly small, they are all radioactive and electrically charged.

Size is so important to the way the radioactive particles function in the atmosphere that it is a so-called “Property” of the particle. That is important to us, plants and animals because, among other things, they can float around the world, go right through our clothes and through our skin.

Since the particles are electrically charged they stick like a magnet to a tiny oppositely charged portion of a tiny grain of pollen. As a result, radioactive pollen gives a whole new meaning to “seasonal hay fever [radiation poisoning.]”


Must Read: Asahi Shinbun “Trap of Prometheus” Series Part 1 – Men in Protective Clothing (4,5) “This Is a Homicide”

(Installment 1, Installments 2 and 3)

Asahi Shinbun’s series “Trap of Prometheus” – Men in Protective Clothing, which documents what happened in Namie-machi in Fukushima Prefecture right after the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant accident.

“Fukushima assembly OKs reactor decommission,” Oct. 20, 2011, NHK World, Daily News [Japan Broadcasting Corporation]

Bob Nichols is a Project Censored Award winning writer and a San Francisco Bay View correspondent whose work regularly appears in The Oklahoma Observer, on-line at and at A former bomb maker in a U.S. government factory in rural Oklahoma, he reports on the two nuclear weapons labs in the Bay Area. He can be reached at

© Bob Nichols


Arnold Hamilton
Arnold Hamilton
Arnold Hamilton became editor of The Observer in September 2006. Previously, he served nearly two decades as the Dallas Morning News’ Oklahoma Bureau chief. He also covered government and politics for the San Jose Mercury News, the Dallas Times Herald, the Tulsa Tribune and the Oklahoma Journal.