To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, February 16, 2025


The Bully And The Bishop


Here, in the National Cathedral, sat the world’s most powerful person.

Billionaires, senators, other countries’ presidents, generals, admirals, governors, affirm it when they wilt like a wet suit in rainy Panama when and if he scalds them with abuse. Donald John Trump calls them names, justified or not, and they turn the other cheek; he lies about them or even their wives, and they simply avert their eyes and take it. He says they are corrupt, stupid, inept.

They remain silent which seems to affirm his accusations and, as soon as possible, they simply shuffle away, beaten down, dejected and destined for obscurity.

But not all. When the bully did not have the microphone or was not preening to adoring know-nothings or not glowingly being introduced as the second coming of Christ but was merely a mortal sitting in a pew, surrounded by family and friends, a smallish woman wearing glasses and adorned in the cloth of her church, did something unique in his presence.

She was brave, direct, honest and clear and he did not like it. Nor do the spineless ones who need his validation to affirm their own self worth.

No, Bishop Budde had a higher mission in one of God’s houses and that was to be a stand-in for Jesus as well as those shepherded and shielded by Him.

And Trump hated it because he knew it was true. It was a moment when he looked small, because he is; looked selfish, because he is; looked scared, because he always is. And those are the things bullies fear the most, meaning others will come to understand the truth about them.

And, of course, it took a tiny woman with a spine of steel and a message of clarity and honesty to pierce the charade that has enveloped this frightened little man all of his life.

It was priceless to observe as speaking truth to power always is. Sadly, however, when it comes to those who serve Trump, it is a skill most all of them never learned or have conveniently forgotten.

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Cal Hobson
Cal Hobson
Cal Hobson, a Lexington Democrat, served in the Oklahoma Legislature from 1978-2006, including one term as Senate President Pro Tempore.