To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, March 16, 2025


The Sociopath, The Sycophant And America’s 4-Year Nightmare


Donald John Trump and Michael Richard Pence fulfilled brilliantly these two roles for 208 torturous weeks from January 2017 until January 2021. I can offer no sympathy, understanding or forgiveness to either man, now or in the future.

Working together, no pair of Americans has done more damage, temporary and permanent, to our Constitution, our country and to the rest of us in the long history of this democracy.

Maureen Dowd, writer for the New York Times, first paired these words together in 2014 – sociopath and sycophant – and gave them new life in her column today [Feb. 14], one day before President’s Day.

How ironic, how sad, how disgusting, how frightening.

I want to comment on Trump and Pence simply as a common man of the Midwest, a politician of 30 years of elected service and 32 as an Air Force officer … and a son, grandson, brother, husband, father and grandfather. And an American who thinks of himself as a patriot.

Due to Trump’s truly sick and demented mind, and Pence’s sad, subservient allegiance to it, the United States of America touched a historic bottom Jan. 6, embarrassed ourselves before the world, and came within a whisker of a despot’s mob killing many elected leaders. Seven others did die, both defenders and attackers of the People’s Building.

As the coward quivered in his living quarters of the White House, obviously hoping for a coup at our Capitol, his sycophant plus wife and daughter were saved only by luck, the Secret Service and Capitol Police who saw their duties and did them. Pence, The Sycophant, missed an appointment with death by a widely reported 62 feet but would not hear from Trump, The Sociopath, for a full 120 hours.

Another top target of the madmen and madwomen unleashed by The Madman is an accomplished grandmother by the name of Nancy Pelosi, who also escaped by only seconds from the clutches of a horn-adorned, spear-carrying, bare-chested sicko who entered her hallowed chamber minutes after she departed. He then bayed to the moon, mumbled incomprehensibly but, before departing, led a dozen or so fellow loonies in a thoughtful prayer from the rostrum near her Speaker’s chair.

How quaint. How curious. How dangerous and destructive.

The darkest day since our Civil War ended with both a cry and a whimper. A whimper as the cowards, creeps, miscreants and thugs slunk into the DC darkness, claiming victory while leaving behind only vandalism, death and destruction.

The cry came from inside the wreckage, where true warriors, men and women, Democrats and some Republicans, declared our democracy intact, completed their elector counts and proclaimed a white man from Delaware and a black woman from California, future president and vice president of these damaged, desolate, disheartened and divided states.

This was our America, Jan. 6, from 11 a.m. that day until 4 a.m. the next when the exhausted grandmother from California delivered the declarations of our democracy in the form of electoral paper ballots from 50 states and the District of Columbia to officials for safe keeping. They had been saved by a mere clerk, a courageous clerk, mid-afternoon the day before as marauders and morons wandered past them, not knowing 245 years of democracy were ensconced in the simple box in The People’s House.

What fools. What knaves. What no-nothings but they turned out not to be our country’s greatest enemies. No indeed.

Those 43 other spineless sycophants reappeared yesterday, Feb. 13, and displayed for all to see why the Capitol Police, who saved the politicians’ lives by losing some of their own, would cast votes more wisely, more correctly and more in the name of the United States of America than the empty suits who are addressed as senator.

Many of the courageous men and women in blue have long known that, having watched the empty suits and skirts from up close … and now the rest of America does as well.

Leader McConnell and 42 others, may you never, ever rest in peace.

Cal Hobson
Cal Hobson
Cal Hobson, a Lexington Democrat, served in the Oklahoma Legislature from 1978-2006, including one term as Senate President Pro Tempore.