To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Thursday, September 12, 2024


Viagra Reporting Act



Dear Senator,

Would you please complete this Viagra Reporting Act because this should be a priority for the next session:

Public Health and Safety: Creating the Statistical Viagra Reporting Act

1. Have you needed the assistance of Viagra?

2. Was your need for Viagra a medical necessity?

3. Was your need for Viagra prescribed by a doctor?

4. Was your Viagra paid for by insurance?

If so, was the method of payment:

– A private insurance?

–  A public health plan?

–  Medicaid?

– Private pay?

– Other [specify]?

5. What was the date of your Viagra prescription?

6. County in which your prescription was issued?

7. Your age at date of prescription?

8. Your marital status at date of prescription?

9. Your race?

10. Your years of education?

11. Your state or foreign country of residence?

12. Number of previous pregnancies which you fathered in which Viagra was the leading


13. Number of live births influenced by Viagra?

14. You couldn’t take responsibility for a live birth induced by Viagra because:

– You had other children or dependents?

– You could not afford the child?

– You were not married to the mother?

– You were a student or planning to be a student?

– You could not afford child care?

– You could not afford the basic needs of life?

– You were unemployed?

– You did not want to be a single father?

– You were having relationship problems with the mother?

– You were not certain with your relationship with the mother?

– You were not willing to marry the mother?

– You do not want people to know that you had sex with the mother?

– You do not feel mature enough to raise a/another child?

– Your sex partner wanted an abortion?

– There was a problem affecting the health of the fetus?

– Physical or emotional health of the mother was at risk?

– You wanted a child of a different sex?

– The pregnancy was the result of your committing incest?

– The pregnancy was the result of your committing forcible rape?

– Your rape or incest was not reported at the appropriate time?

15. Did your feeling of sexual inadequacy prompt you to legally control women’s bodies by overturning the governor’s veto of HB 3284, the Statistical Abortion Reporting Act?

Please complete and return this survey. You will not be individually identified. The data requested above will hopefully be reported on the Internet at only $250,000 per year from state taxpayers. What a bargain!


Wanda Jo Stapleton

Oklahoma City

The author is a former Democratic state representative and a regular contributor to The Oklahoma Observer


  1. Way to go Wanda!

    Our male representatives want to invade womens private lives well then it is time we got the scoop on them. Fair is fair…or rather…unfair is unfair. I want to know why men are always allowed to punish women for sex but they get a pat on the back? What a woman does with her body is none of their business unless they want to give us the details on their sex lives and how many children they have fathered out of wedlock. How many unborn babies have they left behind?

Arnold Hamilton
Arnold Hamilton
Arnold Hamilton became editor of The Observer in September 2006. Previously, he served nearly two decades as the Dallas Morning News’ Oklahoma Bureau chief. He also covered government and politics for the San Jose Mercury News, the Dallas Times Herald, the Tulsa Tribune and the Oklahoma Journal.