To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Friday, September 20, 2024


Home 2009 July

Monthly Archives: July 2009


BY KAREN WEBB It is really unfortunate that the Taliban now have a captive, but it does show how hypocritical we are. Everyone talks about how...

The Truth About Male Senators

BY VIRGINIA BLUE JEANS JENNER Old white guys on the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee have an opinion on everything but an opinionated woman bugs them. Take...

Economists’ Double Standard

BY FRANK BELCASTRO Suppose that people in the United States paid twice as much for their cars as people in Canada, Germany, and every other...

Summer In Washington


BY SUSAN ESTRICH The stimulus program must really be succeeding in Washington, DC. Government is hiring; people are working. In fact, if news reports are to be believed, they’re working night and day. So maybe there’s some sleep deprivation thrown in for good measure. And don’t forget the legendary heat and humidity that made service […]

Whiny White Guys

BY KAREN WEBB Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-SC, says Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor is “generally mainstream” and “not an activist,” but some of the things...