To Comfort The Afflicted
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To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

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Home 2009 July

Monthly Archives: July 2009

Mature Women Want Their Stories On Screen


BY FROMA HARROP Back when the boomers were babes, the girls would strut and preen around a stylish health food restaurant in Manhattan. No one took much note of a 70ish woman in comfy shoes who would sit quietly along the wall at lunch. She was Greta Garbo. Garbo famously enjoyed her privacy and accepted […]

Pelosi’s Toothless Commission


BY JOE CONASON Very soon, Congressional leaders are expected to announce the creation of a new commission to investigate the real causes of America’s crippling financial disaster. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has reportedly told Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner that this investigative panel will be modeled on the legendary “Pecora Commission,” which held a series of […]

Free Food Can Be Yours For The Picking


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Years ago, a young, sorta-hippyish couple who lived nearby knocked on my front door. They had noticed that fig trees in my side yard were laden with ripening fruit. “If you’re not going to pick all the figs for yourself,” asked the couple, “could we harvest some of them?” Sure, I said, […]



BY SUSAN ESTRICH Sonia Sotomayor makes me smile. Maybe I should have a more highfalutin response to the back-and-forth between the judge and the senators. But why? They know [at least the smart ones do] and she certainly knows that while most of the cases that come before the court can be decided without regard […]

Gut Check

BY KAREN WEBB Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn wanted to know Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor’s gut feeling on gun control. Her answer was nicer than...