To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Home 2009 October

Monthly Archives: October 2009

Thank God For Louisiana

BY KENNY BELFORD Oklahoma made another Top Ten list. This one isn't from David Letterman, it's from story just published by U.S. News & World...

The Terrorist Within


BY FROMA HARROP What you need to know about Michael C. Finton is that he parked a van in front of a federal building in Springfield, IL, believing it was loaded with explosives. He then twice made cell phone calls that he thought would detonate the bombs. Finton never made contact with any real al-Qaeda […]

My Friend Nancy


BY SUSAN ESTRICH My friend Nancy began her last adventure when the doctors at an upstate New York hospital told her there was no way she could get on a plane to come home to Los Angeles [the altitude would kill her] and instead proposed to transfer her to a New York City hospital for […]

What Bothers Me

BY EDWIN E. VINEYARD This writer once gave a lecture to about 200 college freshmen entitled: “Things You Are Against.” As an introduction to...

Does Voting Matter?


BY SUSAN ESTRICH On my way to work this morning, I heard not one but two advertisements urging me to vote for former eBay CEO Meg Whitman as the next governor of California. The ads touted her decades of experience working for such companies as Disney and Hasbro before taking the helm at eBay in […]