To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

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Home 2010 January

Monthly Archives: January 2010

Fact Check

BY RICHARD L. FRICKER This is not about abortion, right to life, right to choice or any of the other terms which dominate pregnancy termination...

Slaying GOP Goliath

BY KENNY BELFORD As President Obama stood before the Republicans, absent of teleprompters and script, prepared to take on their questions and debate their points...


BY RICHARD L. FRICKER So we lost out on the federal rail money. Just proves the Feds are listening to Sen. Tom Coburn. Thank goodness...

Swing For Fences Or Lose


BY FROMA HARROP Is there a patriot in the house? Is there anyone in Washington who regards governing as a means to accomplish anything other than win the sterile game of Democrat versus Republican? Every day, American soldiers risk their lives for their country, but people in Congress won’t even risk their jobs to pass […]

Hope In The Deep Freeze


BY JOE CONASON On the eve of his first State of the Union Address, Barack Obama confided that he would “rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president.” But his proposal to freeze domestic spending is exactly the kind of policy that could result in four years of stagnation – rewarded […]