To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

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Home 2011 January

Monthly Archives: January 2011

Cultural Coarseness, Ignorance

BY EDWIN E. VINEYARD Having appeared at an untold number of graduation exercises, this writer has been exposed to the piece “Pomp and Circumstance” enough...

Obama Inc.


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Exciting news, folks. Obama and team say they’re recalibrating, recasting, retooling and rebranding his presidency! And they’ve come up with a dandy new slogan to sum it all up and get America moving again. Ready? “Win the future.” Takes your breath away, doesn’t it? If you’re old enough to remember Gerald Ford’s […]

Keating II?

BY RICHARD L. FRICKER Gov. Mary Fallin is already touting her acumen as governor, claiming she has met with two “major corporations” since Jan. 10....

Blame It On Barack


BY SUSAN ESTRICH You have to hand it to Rep. Michele Bachmann, who was the official Tea Party responder to the president’s state of the union address. No phony sincerity from her. No moving mention of her colleague lying in a Texas hospital, whose family celebrated that she could actually watch an hour of television. […]

Obama’s ‘Straight’ Answer

BY JAMES NIMMO Funny, isn't it, how politicians can talk on and on about almost any topic, except when it comes to the civil rights...