To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

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Home 2011 August

Monthly Archives: August 2011

Your Job, Mr. President, Is Jobs


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Having just been recently rolled by Tea Party Republicans in the debt-ceiling circus, Barack Obama now says that his priority is job creation. Wow, what took him so long? Jobs should have been Priority No. 1 when he first took office. But instead, the Obamacans put Wall Street banksters first, dumping trillions […]

The Killing At The Corner


BY SUSAN ESTRICH When I drove by my corner grocery store last Sunday, the crime tape had already gone up and half a dozen police cars were parked in front. By the time I drove back home an hour later, there was a biohazard truck, along with a half-dozen more police cars and officers diverting […]

Teachers Under Fire

BY SHARON MARTIN A recent education honor society poll asked this loaded question: Which do you think would result in higher student achievement, classes with...

Rick Perry: One Lucky S.O.B.


BY ALEXANDER COCKBURN Let’s get one thing straight from the start. Gov. Rick Perry is no blow-dry George Bush clone, even though he owes his stellar political career about 75% to Bush and maybe 25% to Osama bin Laden. So what is the political profile of the Texas governor, now officially in the race as […]

Taking Treason Seriously


BY SUSAN ESTRICH If Rick Perry wants to be president of the United States, he should start acting more like a president and less like a second-string radio talk-show host. Ron Paul, who almost no one [including himself] would call a moderate and has advocated a return to the gold standard, was among the first […]