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To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

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Home 2012 February

Monthly Archives: February 2012

The Keystone XL Flim-Flam


BY JIM HIGHTOWER For Rep. Allen West, the skyrocketing price of gasoline is not just a policy matter, it’s a personal pocketbook issue. The Florida Tea Party Republican [who, of course, blames President Obama for the increase] recently posted a message on Facebook wailing that it’s now costing him $70 to fill his Hummer H3. […]

Romney Didn’t Lose


BY SUSAN ESTRICH Who’da thunk it? Mitt Romney, who walked away with Michigan even as he was losing the nomination four years ago, barely surviving the Michigan primary this time? Much less doing so against a guy who thinks it’s snobbish to want to go to college and that a speech by John F. Kennedy […]

Racial Preferences In College Admissions: Time To Go


BY FROMA HARROP Nothing the Supreme Court deals with is not political. But a case over affirmative action in college admissions has arrived at an especially political time. This is an election year. Working-class whites are considered swing voters, and the president running for re-election is both African-American and a beneficiary of the finest higher […]

Evacuate Tokyo And All U.S. Forces

BY BOB NICHOLS Widely known physicist Dr. Paolo Scampa, the publisher of the EU AIPRI Blog and an eminent chemical physicist, announced Feb. 25 his...

Anthony Shadid

BY RALPH NADER Anthony Shadid, called the "most gifted foreign correspondent in a generation" by his then Washington Post colleague, Rajiv Chandrasekaran , didn't really...