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To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

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Home 2012 September

Monthly Archives: September 2012

You The People

BY VERN TURNER It's as much the words as the tone. Now we know what Mitt Romney means by "you people." “You” are the ones...

The 47%: Red States, Elderly Republicans


BY JOE CONASON While Mitt Romney may well wish he had expressed himself more “elegantly” at the swanky Boca Raton fundraiser where he denounced half the voting population as shiftless, government-entitled moochers, he isn’t backing away from those secretly recorded remarks – although what he said was entirely inaccurate, as well as obnoxious. Watching him […]

Saving Medicare

BY SHARON MARTIN The lies are flying thick and icky. So are the truths, like this comment I read online: “Change Medicare to a voucher...



BY SUSAN ESTRICH I used to joke that there was no hat that Michael Dukakis could have put on in a school or hospital that would have doomed his campaign the way that helmet did [with the strap fastened] at the tank factory. What was he doing at a tank factory? The short answer is […]

Not A Gaffe, But The Real Romney

BY RALPH NADER There was something missing from the release of a tape showing Mitt Romney pandering to fat cats in Boca Raton, FL with...