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To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

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Home 2013 June

Monthly Archives: June 2013

Fighting The Stadium Con: Go Brazilians!


BY FROMA HARROP Something’s gotten into Brazilians that hasn’t caught on here, but should. They’re out on the streets protesting their government’s plan to sink billions into monuments to sport. Rather than celebrate their country’s hosting of the soccer World Cup next year and the Olympic Games in 2016, they are saying “hey.” As in […]

Supreme Court Rulings And A Breakthrough For Real People

BY VERN TURNER In Austin, TX yesterday, a woman named Wendy Davis stood for 10 hours before the state Senate and filibustered a terrible bill...

Reform The Border Patrol, Too


BY JOE CONASON Immigration reform now seems certain to pass the Senate within days, in an amended bill that could win as many as 70 votes from both parties. The results will improve life for millions of undocumented workers and their families – but the costs will not be negligible, including a “surge” that will […]

Why Reject Medicaid Expansion?

BY ANASTASIA PITTMAN Why are we rejecting Medicaid? The answer given by opponents of the expansion is that it will break the bank, that health...

Arresting Journalists-At-Work Is a Double-Negative

BY GENE POLICINSKI Government surveillance of news media operations ranging from The Associated Press to Fox News has made national headlines for more than month...