To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

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Home 2013 November

Monthly Archives: November 2013

Are Politicians Who Cut Food Stamps And Deny Health Access Truly...


BY JOE CONASON When Wendy Davis proclaimed that she is “pro-life” – a description long since appropriated by conservatives opposed to abortion rights – the right-wing media practically exploded with indignation. How could she dare to say that? But having won national fame when she filibustered nearly 12 hours against a law designed to shutter […]

Welcome To Thunderdome

BY SHARON MARTIN It’s not about sound bytes or appearances; it’s about policy. When electronic images and party lines rule the day, too many people...

Wheels Of Misfortune


BY FROMA HARROP The problem of America’s congested roads has long been simple: too many tires vying for a fixed amount of pavement. But with a growing bicycle culture joining the car culture, the difficulties have expanded greatly. The conveyances now travel at very different speeds, follow different rules of the road and expose their […]

The Tsongas Bill


BY SUSAN ESTRICH That’s what it was called back in 1979, when Paul Tsongas, the freshman senator from Massachusetts, introduced a bill to amend Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to add sexual orientation to the list [which already included race, religion and sex] of things you couldn’t [absent narrow exceptions] base […]

A President Christie Would Spell Tea Party’s Doom


BY FROMA HARROP Mainstream Republicans are doing backflips over Chris Christie’s frolic to re-election as governor of New Jersey. Here is a Republican who took on public employee unions, spoke out against abortion and gay marriage, and still scored a landslide win in a blue state. And he won Latinos’ and women’s votes, too. Wounded by […]