To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

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Home 2014 November

Monthly Archives: November 2014

Fix Decaying Pipelines First For Jobs, Health And Safety


BY JOE CONASON With the Keystone XL pipeline stalled again, now perhaps we can look ahead and consider more promising ways to rebuild our energy system, creating many more jobs than that controversial project ever would. No matter where we look, the far larger issue that still confronts Americans is decaying infrastructure – which emphatically […]

Profits Trump Science

BY NATHANIEL BATCHELDER Corporations and nations the world around are making adjustments to the science predicting dire consequences if CO2 emissions are not reduced. On...

The Case Against Keystone XL

BY DON NELSON Energy independence. Job creation. Come on, Sen. Jim Inhofe, you have got to do better than that. It is the worn out mantra...

Amazon Is Crushing Main Street And Threatening The Vitality Of Our...


BY JIM HIGHTOWER It’s that time of year – Thanksgiving holiday will be here soon, and we’ll gorge ourselves on turkey. And then we’ll get to celebrate black Friday [the frenzy-filled shopping Friday right after Thanksgiving, which has actually encroached on Thanksgiving in recent years] and cyber Monday [the Monday after Thanksgiving when retail marketers […]

End The Game On Immigration Reform


BY FROMA HARROP President Obama’s plan to bypass Congress in shielding millions of immigrants from deportation is not the best way to do immigration reform. But if confrontation is what it takes to get House Republicans off their rear ends and deal with the problem, so be it. They don’t even have to work too […]