To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, June 1, 2024


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Monthly Archives: May 2015



BY SUSAN ESTRICH It’s “June gloom” in Southern California, that period well known to locals when the sunshine you expect doesn’t show until the end of the day, if at all. This year, the gloom couldn’t wait until June, and so it came in May. That may also be true for the country. Back in […]

Shocking Sloppiness Won’t Doom Health Reforms


BY FROMA HARROP How many politicians, aides, lobbyists, lawyers, insurance moguls, professional groups and interns – both the political and medical kind – agonized over the details in the Affordable Care Act? The number is big. But despite thousands of hands in the kitchen, the final product included four words that cast doubt on a […]

Selling Their Souls To The Party Line

BY DAVID PERRYMAN Sixty years ago, Tennessee Ernie Ford’s version of Sixteen Tons reached No. 1 on the Billboard charts. The lyrics were written and...

What Clintons Do Is ‘Scandalous,’ What Republicans Do Is Ignored


BY JOE CONASON Whenever a transgression against transparency is charged against the Clintons, whether real, alleged or invented, America’s political media rise up in sustained outrage. From the offices of The New York Times Washington bureau to the Manhattan studio of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, journalists bitterly protest Hillary Clinton’s erased emails and her family foundation’s […]

Can Our Middle Class Be Revived?

BY KENNETH WELLS With the loss of the middle-class in the socio-economics of the United States a looming certainty, we can only ask ourselves, “What...